Hi, Shogi Fans. We've got a new video series here which represent many shogi strategies especially opening jyoseki so they were going to take a look into quick Ishida's attack what is played by black quick Ishida's attack stores a pawn seven F and three D and then pawn seven E at this position quite has several options here actually he can't decline quick Ishida's attack but for instance, silver six B or king to four B will go into these moves in other video. so let's take a look at the pawn eight D where white accepted quick Ishida's attack. and which lead to the most famous book line in quick Ishida's attack. now black plays works seven H. at this position white might trade the bishops. and drop it to here, creating a fork. But black has good counter middle for this. he can play bishop to seven F. well, he defense this square and simultaneously attacking here. so, if he promoted by the bishop, you can promote too. and you see in this position, your horse is more effective than this horse. and also if he protect that square, then you can protect this square. now his bishop can't get promoted. so ah, in this position, basically white want made bishop trade. because it explained earlier in my last video series, making a bishop trade simply loses one move. so now white goes pawn eight E. So this is the basic position. of Ishida's attack by black. and it is very exciting opening. Because white is gonna to attack this square, and you're going to attack this square. and bishop attack can occur at anytime. One of the options you have here is go and attack to go seven D. this move was originally thought to be not so good. but it becoming popular these days. because a new good move is found in the following lines. but we leave that to the another video. and this one, we gonna take a look at the most popular book lines. where you play, king four H. you don't attack, you don't defend. just move the king. well white goes, white pawn eight F. well he do that, well done white was trapped. because after the pawn capture, and the rook retakes, what your next move ? we'll you go on seven D, and he takes it, ya. the bishop trade, and king rook folk. so you win. now white can't take this pawn. he's in a big trouble. for example, if he goes silver to six B, this won't help. because a bishop trade, and folk rook and silver. the rook in promote, you can take the silver. and this obviously you good for black. and also uh, we'll best he can best is, advanced his rook here. and retake the pawn. but in this case, you can simply. created a dragon. well, at this position quite make for instance, this bishop folk. but you know this dangling pawn, is too powerful. now he has no choice but to block it. so still good for black. all right so, now you see a white can't go pawn eight F here ? so his next move is, silver six B preparing for black attacks here. so now the most famous book line goes, pawn seven D. and white captures it. you'll see the famous book lines here. you make a bishop trade. and the folk the rook and the silver. where you looked like attack has succeeded, but actually not. white has a good counter method for this. you know what that is? it's silver seven E. blocking his silver and simultaneously protecting this silver. so now what you gonna do. well here you can go, rook takes seven D. well, he takes it, you can easily win the game. but he has to do something about to this. because he lives that way, blacks gonna take it. and it's folk. and black simply win this game. so how does white defend here. well, bishop three C, thinks pretty good. but in this case, you can go bishop takes three C, and knight takes and rooks takes, and it's good for black. well this is the reason why you have to move the king to here. if the king has originally square, he will have the bishop drop. and your king and the dragon would get forked. so a bishop three C, it's not good. how are protecting here with the gold ? well in this case, you can take the silver. he takes rook. but it's better for black too. so uh... actually the best move here is, bishop six D. if he takes with the bishop, the silver can go a way. uh... then you have this powerful attack, and you can forth a rook trade. but actually, white has good move here. it's rook eight B, preventing black from dropping the rook here and also attacking this bishop. and after the bishop force back. he has this fork. so, you shouldn't take this with the bishop. now, have a take with the rook. what doesn't work either because, here take with the silver, and you can take have this, powerful check again. but white can defense this attack, maybe you can abandon this bishop, keep attacking, but you attacked over exhaust here. and at a this position, you can also check this way. but he'll block it by the rook. so your attack is failed. so actually, the book mook here is, rook takes seven C. now take it with bishop, isn't good. because you can drop the pawn here. and also, take with the knight. is almost same thing. you can drop the pawn here. so the book line here is, bishop five E, dragon take eight E, and bishop recaptures eight B. and here black now plays eight C, white defense the gold seven B. and you create a dragon to five E. white now plays bishop nine D, the best place for the dragon to for is seven E, aiming at the gold and threat the silver eight E. but he goes the bishop six D. and dragon six F. well actually it is this position is not so good for black. over black has made a dragon. however this game is an amateur game, maybe black an advantage of black situation. because it looks like it's easy for you to win but you make by making use this dragon. we wanna to black with, is try to attack this bishop. for instance, after king four B, seven H. answer is three C. king three H, king three B. now you go had to go on pawn nine F. if white just goes the gold four B, for instance. you had go on pawn nine E. bishop eight C. well he can't go this way, because he loses one bishop. if he holds back. this bishop is dead. so he goes his bishop eight C. silver eight D, bishop nine B, pawn nine D. recapture pawn nine C, knight takes, and last nine D. well I think this position is good for black. and uh, another move I had show with, at this position you've seen rook eight C. but we also have, rook eight D, right? and this case you can't make this dragon. but he defend the gold seven B. you have this good pawn drop, seven C. after he is taking silver eight C. this seems to be also good attack. also still not easy to win. well if you don't drop the pawn, it just go. silver eight C, it doesn't work, see? he can save both pieces. all right, still now you learn this famous book lines, but uh actually at this point, when you play pawn seven D. quite has another option, instead of taking it. he can also play gold seven B. just protecting the square. and actually in this way, he can declined the books moves just seen after took the pawn, he retakes by the silver. pawn seven D, and here he goes, silver six D. after you go king three H, avoiding a bishop fork here. you're defending this square. made pawn seven E. this will be another equal game, but it is totally different from this book lines you've seen. all right that's all this video. hope you've enjoyed it and see you next time.