0:00:04.799,0:00:09.139 Hello, My name is Tapsdies 0:00:09.139,0:00:12.039 Hello, I'm Tapsdies. 0:00:12.039,0:00:18.880 Today, I wanna show you a basic knowledge of Ishida style from 3rd-file rook book. 0:00:18.880,0:00:19.660 I think. 0:00:19.660,0:00:20.439 Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu. 0:00:20.439,0:00:27.039 I don't explain the way to the basic situation. 0:00:27.039,0:00:31.259 This is the white advances the pawn in front of rook. 0:00:31.259,0:00:37.489 At the K-4h, suppose the opponent's move P-8f. 0:00:37.489,0:00:41.129 You muse move P-7d. 0:00:41.129,0:00:44.519 I'll examine opponent's moves of this move. 0:00:44.519,0:00:50.530 If opponent's move is Px, you can fork and this game is over. 0:00:50.530,0:00:51.730 So, this move is out of question. 0:00:51.730,0:00:57.339 In a real game, there is no situation like this, so examine the other moves. 0:00:57.339,0:01:03.350 An another move, S-6b, is you can exchange bishop and B-7g, 0:01:03.350,0:01:03.980 black can do it. 0:01:03.980,0:01:06.700 White takes the knight, but 0:01:06.700,0:01:11.500 moreover, black can promote the bishop and take the silver, so black can do it. 0:01:11.500,0:01:15.150 so there is no situation like this. 0:01:15.150,0:01:18.770 Back to the basic situation, examine R-8h+. 0:01:18.770,0:01:25.770 Sx, P-7d, R-8c, S-7b, R-8f+, 0:01:26.190,0:01:31.120 you might think about B-4e, 0:01:31.120,0:01:33.640 dangling pawn P-8c is effective for both promoting bishop. 0:01:33.640,0:01:37.990 sente won making tokin so Ishida style of this move. 0:01:37.990,0:01:43.070 And white must be P*8c. 0:01:43.070,0:01:46.420 After that, black must move P*8b. 0:01:46.420,0:01:51.840 If there are the straightforward moves, black can capture the lance simply, so no problem. 0:01:51.840,0:01:56.560 But at P*8b moment, what makes B*6d ? 0:01:56.560,0:02:01.250 Black is ready for counter. 0:02:01.250,0:02:06.140 It is standard tactic to move the dragon to the one front square. 0:02:06.140,0:02:08.729 Black is captured a pawn recently dropped, 0:02:08.729,0:02:13.730 D-7d, white is difficult to move 0:02:13.730,0:02:18.860 Because, there is a vertical battery, white must defense the 7b square. 0:02:18.860,0:02:23.530 If P-7c, that agrees with the black's move, so white don't want to move it. 0:02:23.530,0:02:30.050 And after D-3d, each castles, black don't is satisfied in this situation. 0:02:30.050,0:02:36.080 Because, white don't have second attack, but black can attack in many ways. 0:02:36.080,0:02:40.240 So back to the R-8f situation. 0:02:40.240,0:02:42.780 If R-8g+ , 0:02:42.780,0:02:46.160 P-3c is good for black. 0:02:46.160,0:02:51.740 White moves P-7g, but no problem. 0:02:51.740,0:02:54.100 So, back to the basic situation. 0:02:54.100,0:02:59.400 K-4h, after white moves S-6b, examine each makes the castle. 0:02:59.400,0:03:04.560 After each makes the castles, go to S-3h. 0:03:04.560,0:03:11.170 Here, newest variant is P-9f, but this move will be examined at an another video. 0:03:11.170,0:03:16.680 In the past, P-6d is so many but recently reduced. 0:03:16.680,0:03:23.430 If white moves P-6d, black moves R-7f. But this move will be examine at an another video. 0:03:23.430,0:03:24.780 So, 0:03:24.780,0:03:30.680 examine the variation of P-8f. 0:03:30.680,0:03:35.440 Px, Rx, and after the bishop exchange, beat against opponent's rook. 0:03:35.440,0:03:40.770 If Rx+, black can drop the rook at the opponent's camp so black is good for this situation. 0:03:40.770,0:03:45.310 so, back to the moment beat against the rook. 0:03:45.310,0:03:48.740 white drops P*8g. 0:03:48.740,0:03:52.080 Do B*8h. 0:03:52.080,0:03:58.569 G*7h, B-3c+, B*7g, so black has no problem. 0:03:58.569,0:04:02.870 So, what is G-7h, Bx7i+ 0:04:02.870,0:04:05.950 gonna do ? recently dropped, 0:04:05.950,0:04:12.709 Simply, Black has counter moves B*5e and B*7g, 0:04:12.709,0:04:15.349 I will show after that. 0:04:15.349,0:04:19.380 Every variant is that black has initiative. 0:04:19.380,0:04:23.240 So, finally, I show a gentleness variant. 0:04:23.240,0:04:27.509 After P*8g, white escapes the rook, 0:04:27.509,0:04:32.569 Black has the countermeasure P*8h. 0:04:32.569,0:04:36.279 First, examine that white takes it. 0:04:36.279,0:04:41.740 Where white have to bother exchanging, P*8d that agrees with black's attack, 0:04:41.740,0:04:43.569 that is apparent failure for white. 0:04:43.569,0:04:47.840 So back, what goes B*5d ? 0:04:47.840,0:04:54.840 After simply black tackles, black can drop the rook to the opponent's camp. 0:04:47.840,0:04:54.840 Thanks to watching this video. 0:05:00.689,0:05:03.479 See you next time. Good-bye.